【电子书】Faces of Geometry. From Agnesi to Mirzakhani【PDF springer 12.3MB】
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©来源: Faces of Geometry. From Agnesi to Mirzakhani


The volume reports on interdisciplinary discussions and interactions between theoretical research and practical studies on geometric structures and their applications in architecture, the arts, design, education, engineering, and mathematics. These related fields of research can enrich each other and renew their mutual interest in these topics through networks of shared inspiration, and can ultimately enhance the quality of geometry and graphics education. Particular attention is dedicated to the contributions that women have made to the scientific community and especially mathematics. The book introduces engineers, architects and designers interested in computer applications, graphics and geometry to the latest advances in the field, with a particular focus on science, the arts and mathematics education.

Graphics Education    Geometry Education    Women in Mathematics    Geometric Structures    Mathematics in the Humanities    Mathematics Teaching    Applied Geometry


Unexpected Geometries Exploring the Design of the Gothic City
Maria Teresa Bartoli

Observation, Drawing, Modeling. Elements of a Cognitive Process Between Analogic and Digital for Design Learning
Federico Alberto Brunetti

Computational Process and Code-Form Definition in Design
Giorgio Buratti

To Observe, to Deduce, to Reconstruct, to Know
Franca Caliò, Elena Marchetti

The Role of Geometry in the Architecture of Louis Kahn and Anne Tyng
Cristina Càndito

Thinking Architecture in Four Dimensions
Alessandra Capanna

Reuleaux Triangle in Architecture and Applications
Giuseppe Conti, Raffaella Paoletti

Interplays of Geometry and Music: How to Use Geometry to Analyze an Artwork in Order to Compose a Musical Piece
Chiara de Fabritiis

Harmony in Space
Biagio Di Carlo

Caterina Marcenaro + Franco Albini for the Love of Art
Kay Bea Jones

How to Solve Second Degree Algebraic Equations Using Geometry
Paola Magnaghi-Delfino, Tullia Norando

Teatro Comunale, Ferrara: The Question of the Curve. From the Debate to the Geometric Analysis
Giampiero Mele, Susanna Clemente

Women and Descriptive Geometry in Italian University
Barbara Messina

Witch of Agnesi: The True Story
Tullia Norando, Paola Magnaghi-Delfino

The Dividing of the Sphere in Domes of Medieval Anatolia
Sibel Yasemin Özgan, Mine Özkar

Organic Reference in Design. The Shape Between Invention and Imitation
Michela Rossi

Inverse Formulas: From Elementary Geometry to Differential Calculus
Anna Salvadori, Primo Brandi

A Concrete Approach to Geometry
Emanuela Ughi

Mária Ždímalová




这是一套只收录女学者的文集,这套书是Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems系列168卷(以后可能还有新增)中的第88卷

好评如潮 100%

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2024-03-09 12:12:12